The LORD Is My Salvation—Sing It!

When God repeats something in scripture over and over, we are wise to take special note.  In His Word, God calls us repeatedly to rejoice in Him as our Savior, often with singing.  Good Friday and Easter are a great time for Christians to remember this.

Israel, after being miraculously saved at the Red Sea, sang, “The LORD is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.”  This exact theme is repeated in Psalm 118:14 and Isaiah 12:2. 

Through centuries of Jewish history, God repeatedly reminded His people of their Red Sea deliverance—even though some were not there, God wanted them to rejoice in the deliverance shown to their ancestors.  They knew the story well intellectually, but they always needed to feed spiritually on that great truth.

Likewise we should never tire of singing of our Savior.  The contents of our hymnal are a testimony to this.  God has led hymnwriters to rejoice in Christ as the great Savior.  His salvation is gracious, wondrous, secure, eternal and is His great glory.  Let us sing to Him and rejoice of His saving grace.


Draw Near To Hear, Not To Offer the Sacrifice of Fools


Ridding Joy-Killers (#2)—Past Failures