Ridding Joy-Killers (#2)—Past Failures

“The joy of the LORD is your strength” (Neh. 8:10). This was the powerful message God gave the post-exilic people. Since music in scripture is an expression of joy, we could say that the music of the LORD is our strength also. Hasn’t sacred music so many times washed over your soul and led you to joy in Christ?

Another lesson in Nehemiah 8 is this: The Israelites were grieving over the past. They wept when they heard the words of the law and realized all they lost under God’s chastening in Babylon. True, grieving over sin is good. For a time. But then it becomes time to focus on the joy of God’s forgiveness.

After a parent disciplines a child, they then hug and reassure the son or daughter. The parent is sad if the child can’t feel the full forgiveness and move on. Likewise, as blood-washed children of God, we need to let the Holy Spirit teach us when to move from repentance to rejoicing. Don’t let undue grief rid you of joy. Your sins are paid for and under the blood if you have repented and confessed appropriately. Now God wants His joy (often expressed in music) to be your strength.


The LORD Is My Salvation—Sing It!
