The Power of the Word of God Is Present in Psalm Singing

“The Word of God is alive and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12). The Word’s power is present whenever and wherever it is present. This is true in reading the Word, preaching the Word, personal sharing of the Word, and also when we sing the Word.

There are many instances of scripture in hymns. Sometimes, when the words of our translation fit the poetic meter of a hymn, a phrase or sentence of scripture will appear verbatim. Other times it is paraphrased or merely alluded to. At these times, the power of God’s Word is present to bless hearts. But also when the Word is paraphrased in a hymn, it is powerful. Just as it is in preaching—when we paraphrase the Word, explain the Word, illustrate the Word, elongate the Word, and apply the Word. This is why singing hymns not only blesses our hearts—it also changes us.

But in psalm singing, the power of the Word is present in a more concentrated form. The theme, the content, the flow of thought, the illustrations of truth—they are all the Word. Sometimes it may appear verbatim from the Word. Other times it must be paraphrased in order to fit the meter of the tune. We may chant psalms verbatim, sing metrical psalms, sing paraphrased psalms, or hymns based on psalms. But the Word’s power is still present in a potent concentration. This is the greatest reason to sing psalms.


What role should music have in my life?


Ridding Joy-Killers