Ridding Joy-Killers

Music in scripture is often linked to joy. Therefore, any joy-killer is a music-killer and is hindering blessing that God wants us to have. Fear is a common joy-killer. Hundreds of times God in His Word commands us not to fear. But He not only forbids fear; He gives invincible reasons and truths by which we can overcome fear.

For example, Isaiah 43:1 reads, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine!” Redemption means God bought us back from the slave-market of sin by payment of a ransom—the blood of Christ. If He redeemed us, how could He not take care of us? We trust His care and do not fear the future. Nor the present!

And God’s deliverance of us was not impersonal, as if by an emergency worker, whose job it was to help people in need. God personally calls us by name, and says “You are Mine!” And He says in v. 2 that He will be with us in trials. In verse 4 He even says we are precious in His sight.

Brothers and sisters, let us not allow fear to kill our joy. Let us trust Him who redeemed us. And in this joy, let us thank Him with joyful songs for His pleasure and glory.


The Power of the Word of God Is Present in Psalm Singing


The Sound of Melody Is a Sign of Blessing