Trust Is The Key to Joyful Music

The psalmist said, “For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name” (Psalm 33:21). In context, we see that we can trust Him even when facing enemies (v. 10), the peril of battle against an army (vv. 16-17), death, and famine (v. 19). Whatever we are facing, we can trust Him and hope in Him.

Music has a way of being a barometer of the soul. If we come to the time of singing and have no heart for it—check your soul—how are you doing in the area of trust? Read His word with the eye of faith, and see how God has delivered in the past. Is anything too hard for the Lord?

His lovingkindness will be upon you according as you have hoped in Him (v. 22). If you have hoped a little, you may expect to see a little manifestation of lovingkindness. If you have hoped a lot, you may expect to see a great deal of His lovingkindness shown to you.


Draw Near To Hear, Not To Offer the Sacrifice of Fools